

Hello my lovely readers. I am really sorry that I've been missing but right now I'm just trying to survive living with my grandma. Well I don't actually live with her but I visit her almost everyday and I sleep at her house on weekends. Sometimes it's just impossible to handle her rambling but some days she actually surprises me. I was in love with this one dress from Lindex which was from the Rachel Zoe collection and she actually promised me to buy it. And when I went and tried it on for the second time I looked horrible so I didn't buy it. (in the picture Rachel is actually holding THAT dress)

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Right now I'm just hoping that I will buy clothes this summer when I will be in England. It's actually the biggest thought in my head right now. If everything works out well I'll be spending my entire summer in England I just can't wait.

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Also I have less then two weeks in school and then it's summer holidays!! But I can't believe that next year is my last year in school the exams the tension just thinking of it drives me crazy.

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And also there's one thing that I wanted to share is this new amazing Beyonce's video. The video is just amazing and Beyonce was my favorite singer since I was 5 years old, when she started Destiny's Child. So enjoy if you haven't seen it already:

xoxo A.

9 komentarai:

neringa rašė...

Dieve, kaip as tau del Anglijos pavydziu! Pati buvau ten praeitais metais ir jau ziauriai pasiilgau tos salies, gaila tik, kad siais metais neiseis ten nuvykti... Anyway, sekmes tau ten! :)

Amanda rašė...

thank yo babe xx

Anonimiškas rašė...

Looks like you are an expert in this field, Great post and keep up the good work, my buddy recommended me your blog.

My blog:
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Everyone loves fashion rašė...

sveika, na kaip laikais? :)

Amanda rašė...

sveika, gan neblogai gyvenu vasaros ir anglijos mintim ;D galvoju kaip ten seksis kja pirksiu ir panasiai ;D tiktai sule slegia reikia viska atsiskaitynet rasyt visokius darbus ir panasiai ;D kaip tau?

T rašė...

Ach, Anglija!!! Turėjau aš irgi ten vykti šią vasarą, tačiau man, taip sakant, sustūmė, ir nieko nesigavo. tad dabar teks Lietuvoj sėdėti. Tačiau, šią liūdną naujieną nusveria tai, kad Tiesto koncertuos Palangoje!!! :)

Amanda rašė...

Tautvile- as ir nezinau kaip man ten bus gal ir man ten nieko nesigaus ;D o as taip noreciau i Tiesto koncerta ://

Anonimiškas rašė...

J'aime vraiment votre article. J'ai essaye de trouver de nombreux en ligne et trouver le v?tre pour être la meilleure de toutes.

Mon francais n'est pas tres bon, je suis de l'Allemagne.

Mon blog:
rachat credit fonctionnaire puis simulation de Rachat de Credit

Amanda rašė...

that's sweet but I'm not french either I'm Lithuanian and I don't speak french :)